March 29, 2011

Posted by Rie On 10:40 AM
I just wanted to say hello - I haven't been very active on my blogs but it's not because I have forgotten about them. I've just been super busy with extra shifts at all my jobs and things like blogging, housework, sleep and fun have been neglected. But I'm still here and will SOON come with an update. I promise!!

A very tired Rie and Dorte, after hosting a slumber party at work - it was a long night!

March 2, 2011

Posted by Rie On 9:57 AM
I decided to treat myself this month and I don't feel at all guilty about it! I've been good lately (except my glasses) so I decided I deserved a little "extra something". I picked up a new scarf and necklace yesterday, while buying a bday present for Karin (my aunt). I bought some lux groceries on my way home from the gym - reminder: NEVER grocery shop when hungry! But my main treat is..... BOOKS! I went a little crazy and now I'm anxiously waiting for my packages to arrive. I bought a bunch of crafty books - general crafts, papercrafts, sewing and a couple of journals and I can't wait. WOOT WOOT! I could have gone even more crazy and ordered more - I had a huge wish list going but I was responsible and limited my choices.... for now.

Denmark has books. It's not like I have to order them online. Danes like to read too. (Unfortunately, we don't really have a kick-ass book store here in Vejle.) But I LOVE crafty books that inspire and motivate me and I especially love them in English. I'm better at English than Danish and therefore, I would prefer my reading material to be in English. Mind you, I CAN read Danish and I don't really have any problems but I don't "relax my mind" the same way. Plus there are many more English written crafty books that look super exciting. And the prices are decent - compared to DK prices.

Enough of that - I'll gush again once the books arrive.

Spinning class yesterday and my body is sore now. But I did good and damn proud of myself! I won't be able to go again until next Wednesday - really sucks with my work hours. I'm thinking of cancelling my membership at the gym due to limited time but then again, if I just plan ahead and make it a bigger priority in my life, then I should be able to find a few hours a week for exercise. Once the weather gets better, then maybe I'll start running.... maybe not.... I hate running.

Going to finish my coffee, perhaps a cup more and then it's off to work for me. I have JB during the day and then I'm going to Nørup for dinner at Karin and Ernst's place before we have to work at the youth club out there. I hope she likes her bday presents!! Happy Birthday Karin!

And a special bday shout-out to Glenda! It was also her birthday yesterday and I hope she had a good day. Hugs to you!!