February 12, 2012

Posted by Rie On 12:47 PM
I haven't really been around the internet for the past few days - something called life has been getting in the way. Work stuff, friend stuff, more work stuff and then just a bit more friend stuff. I like to sleep too sometimes.

But it's been a good week. Visited good friends, met new people and had a good time. It was nice seeing R. again. He's moved to Horsens to live with his girlfriend and we miss him here in Vejle. But they seem to be doing well and I'm happy for them. Brunch with A. was good too. Another old friend who is soon moving away from Vejle so it was nice seeing her before the stress of moving hits. We'll be visiting another friend next week - D. gave birth to a beautiful baby boy 2 weeks ago so it'll be great seeing her again and meeting the newest addition to their family.

I've been busy but things are good. I don't want to get ahead of myself but I might be starting school soon. That would be super cool. I won't go into details until I have all the facts straight but still, keep your fingers crossed for me.

S. is sleeping as I post this. She had the coatcheck shift at the pub last night and just came over here this morning. We have a huge fancy party to go to tonight so we'll be getting ready here, along with another friend.  Dresses and high heels - on my! (I'm not the biggest dress person....)

S. and I from a couple of weekends ago. She was working - I was not.... ;-)
On that note, I'm done for now. Have to go over to L.'s place to check up on her cat, Ninja. Crazy cat!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!!

February 4, 2012

Posted by Rie On 10:51 AM
There is still snow outside. I can deal with snow. My aunt gave me a decent pair of winter boots a few years ago and they are wonderful when it's snowing. But do you realize how COLD it is outside??

Minus 19 degrees!

It's cold.

Luckily, besides the boots, I am also fully stocked up with hats, scarves and mittens so I'm pretty bundled up whenever I go outside. But with a slight wind, it feels like the cold can find all the cracks in my armor and attack me.

Yes, I'm bitching. But you know what?? I don't care. Because it's f-ing cold outside!!

Before I send myself into a downward spiral of bitchiness, I should start thinking about good things. Like my coffee. My HOT coffee. And the fact that I'm inside with plenty of heat and blankets to cuddle up with. And my friend is coming over here in a couple of hours to drink more coffee with me.

Nice thoughts...

February 3, 2012

Posted by Rie On 10:30 AM
I missed out on my Thursday's Babble here yesterday due to a meeting at the Pub. So I didn't have my normal Thursday morning to just putter around here at home. But today - Friday - I have my coffee, music and time to blog. And I'm in the mood to babble!

I only have 3 hours at work today - YAY me! And I don't have to work at the Pub tonight - YAY me! But I still have big plans for tonight. Spring cleaning - aka "The Plan". Let me share a little secret to some.... I have issues throwing things out. Clothes, kitchen stuff, bags, knickknacks, papers etc. For example, I have no room under my bed because of old clothes in bags, fabrics and shoes. I always have this idea that one day, I'll need it. But you know what - I don't need it. And it's time to do a major clean up and throw out. My dad is coming out soon and I want my place to look good for when he's here but I'm also doing it for myself - I get stressed out looking at everything and I need to clean my soul, so to speak. It's the beginning of "The Plan". Once I get my little home looking perfect, then I can start focusing on myself. (That's a whole other blog post that will come later....) I already have bags of old clothes, scarves, hats, shoes and whatever packed up and ready to go. I think I'll start dragging the stuff up to work because next door, we have containers for donating clothes for those in need.

Other than "The Plan", nothing new here. Have been pretty social this week after work - Tuesday evening I went out with some Pub friends. One of the guys made dinner - awesome food - and then we all went to the movies. The new Mission Impossible.... It was okay. Then R. came over Wednesday after work where I made him dinner and we just hung out. It was nice seeing him again. Last night, after the youth club, I met up with 3 friends at the Pub for a single beer. Nothing party crazy or anything like that. Just meeting up with them and saying hi. I have a friend coming over for coffee tomorrow and then I have to work tomorrow night at the Pub. And then it's Superbowl on Sunday - I'm not the biggest NFL fan but I'm still going to the event we have at the Pub - dinner, movies and then the game. I doubt I'll stay the entire night because I have to work Monday.

Wow, I'm pretty boring today. My babble is lacking. I don't know why that is but I'm not feeling very creative and I'm having a hard time just letting the words flow like I usually do. Maybe I'm tired. Or too anxious to get my day started. Whatever. Blogging isn't working for me today so I'll be back again tomorrow. Or the next day.

Have a great weekend!